5 Reasons to Get Porcelain Veneers Dentist Wyoming, MI

Are you a candidate for porcelain veneers?

Veneers are a cosmetic dentistry option for anyone who is self-conscious about chipped, cracked, discolored, or even crooked teeth. Our cosmetic dentist in Wyoming, MI, is always willing to talk about whether porcelain veneers are the right option for you.

Here are just a few of the benefits of porcelain veneers.

Reasons to Get Porcelain Veneers

Natural Appearance

Porcelain veneers are created based on impressions our dentist takes of your teeth. This means that you can expect the contouring and color of the porcelain shell to mimic your natural tooth enamel. Not only do porcelain veneers look natural, but they also feel natural. The ceramic covering hides stained or cracked teeth like a protective shell so you can eat and talk normally.

After your porcelain veneers arrive from the lab, our cosmetic dentist may make slight adjustments by cutting excess material or matching the color of your tooth enamel. In other words, your dental veneers are customized to fit over your teeth in a way that will look and feel natural.

Solves Cosmetic Problems

Porcelain veneers can fix:

  • Gaps between teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Stained or discolored teeth

For minor cosmetic dental problems, you may want to discuss with our dentist whether or not you are a good candidate for veneer teeth. Front teeth veneers can help you boost your confidence by closing gaps between teeth or even covering up yellow teeth.

Strong and Stain Resistant

Did you know that porcelain veneers are able to resist staining and decay better than normal teeth? Given proper care, you can expect your dental veneers to last between 10 and 15 years. While porcelain veneers are durable and stain resistant, you still need to care for them as you would natural teeth.

For example, excessive coffee drinking can stain your veneers. Also, using your front teeth to bite down on hard foods such as ice can cause your veneers to chip if you’re not careful. As long as you take good care of your dental veneers, they will last you for years to come.

Easy to Maintain

Take care of your new dental veneers the same way you take care of your natural teeth. Be sure to brush twice a day and floss daily to reduce plaque and tartar buildup. Also, make sure you schedule regular dental checkups with our dentist. This easy maintenance will help you keep the natural white shine in your veneers so you can enjoy a beautiful healthy smile. Since veneers are non-porous, they are able to resist permanent stains and cavities better than your natural tooth enamel. In other words, dental veneer maintenance is minimal.

Less Invasive

The veneers procedure is less invasive than other tooth restorations, such as dental crowns. To make room for your porcelain veneers, our cosmetic dentist will need to shave ½ millimeter from the front surface of your teeth. While this may seem like a lot, keep in mind that teeth receiving dental crowns require more filing because the crown has to fit over the entire tooth. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are adhered only to the front surface that is visible to other people. During the veneers process, you may also need very little to no anesthesia.

At River Ridge Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Helmus and the rest of our team are dedicated to helping you achieve your best smile by offering porcelain veneers and other cosmetic dentistry services. To schedule an appointment with ourWyoming, MI cosmetic dentist, give us a call at (616) 538-7320.