How to Prevent Gum Disease Dentist Wyoming, MI

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is caused by the buildup of dental plaque. In addition to causing swollen and bleeding gums, it has been linked to more serious medical issues such as heart disease and stroke.

Unfortunately, many people aren’t aware that gum disease is such a big problem until they have it themselves. Our Wyoming, MI dentist recommends preventing gum disease before it strikes. Here are 6 healthy habits to adopt in order to keep gum disease at bay.

Preventing Gum Disease

1. Good Oral Hygiene

Although this may seem obvious, good oral care is crucial for healthy gums. Brushing your teeth is not enough—especially when it comes to gum disease. You should add flossing to your routine to reduce the risk of plaque building up and damaging your gums. When flossing, be sure to get up and under your gums to remove any plaque that’s hiding there.

Using an antimicrobial mouthwash low in alcohol can also be very beneficial to your oral health. Gingivitis treatment can be as simple as scheduling a dentist teeth cleaning and practicing good oral hygiene.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency is one of the leading causes of gum disease. Including more Vitamin C in your diet not only helps prevent gum disease, but can also help treat any symptoms you might have. Vitamin C has healing properties that can stop your gums from swelling or bleeding while stabilizing loose teeth.

3. Nutrition

Nothing helps more in preventing gum disease than maintaining a healthy diet. Be sure to avoid sugary foods and drinks as they lead to tooth decay and gum damage. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet filled with vitamins and minerals boosts your immunity and helps ward off many diseases, including gum disease. Try incorporating foods that are high in collagen, beta carotene, and omega-3s for best results.

4. Hydration

Staying hydrated is necessary in preventing gum disease, as well as promoting overall health. Drinking plenty of water produces more saliva which helps fight off bacteria that can cause gum infection.

5. Stop Smoking

Smoking cigarettes and using tobacco products has been known to cause countless health issues, especially gum disease. Tobacco products are very harmful to your gums and should be avoided at all costs. Even other tobacco sources, such as chewing tobacco, cigars, and e-cigarettes, are harmful to your gums. It’s best to steer clear of tobacco products altogether if you want healthy teeth and gums.

6. Regular Teeth Cleanings

Seeing our Wyoming dentist regularly cannot be stressed enough. A routine teeth cleaning can help prevent gum disease by removing plaque hiding in between teeth and along the gum line. During your dental cleaning, our dentist will also be able to spot signs of gum disease like bleeding gums.

Dr. Helmus and the rest of our team at River Ridge Family & Cosmetic Dentistry are more than happy to talk with you about how to prevent gum disease. To schedule an appointment with ourWyoming, MI cosmetic dentist,give us a call at (616) 538-7320.